Photo: Rosa Burczyk


Simon Gerlinger
based in Berlin
Sometimes I am in Stuttgart and NRW ;)


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Hey, I am Simon Gerlinger and I tell intimate stories through photography and mixed media.

Currently I am the first time ever photographer in residency for ZEIT ONLINE, where i fulltime work on visaual essays and assigment, exploring new strategies and attampets for visual journalism. 

Other then that i work as a portrait and editorial photographer frequently for magazins and Newspublications as well as for coperate clients.

In my personal photographic essays, I deal with topics ranging from identity, youth, love, and the social interaction of society. Through different visual approaches I challenge myself to find the right tone for each story.

Currently, I am based in BERLIN Germany

Selected Publications and clients:

ZEIT Magazin 
ZEIT Campus 
ZEIT Christ und Welt
Spiegel Start 
Geo Wissen
Dummy Magazin

Ernst2 Architekten AG
Fachhochschule Dortmund 


  • 2023- now MA Visual Arts (Photography) at University  of Fine Arts KASK, Gent Belgium
  • 2022- 2023 MA Photographic Studies at the University of applied science and Art Dortmund   
  • 2017-2022 Gratuated from BA Photography at the University of applied science and Art Dortmund
  • 2020/2021 Participant of the International PHOTO Class at Danish School of Media and Journalism Aarhus.

Workshops & Grants

  • 2024 Bienalle Liege Artist Residencey, Liege, Belgium
  • 2024 Participent of New York Time Portfolio Review.
  • 2022 Participent of the Hamburg Portfolio Reviews. 
  • 2021 DAAD International Stipendium 
  • 2021 Canon Student developing Programm at Visa pour l’image
  • 2019 Canon Student developing Programm at Visa pour l’image


  • 2024 “Bienalle Liege Mutant Residency”, group show, Liege BE
  • 2024 “Budapest Photofestival” group show, Budapest UNG
  • 2024 “Museum Imaginare” group show Gent, BE
  • 2023 “ Fragmente eines Ganzen” group show Dortmund GER
  • 2023 “Nice Dry” - group show Hamburg GER
  • 2022 “Dont dream it’s over” - group show at Künstlerhaus Dortmund GER
  • 2020 ”Aarhus Portraits” - group exhibition at Dokk1, Aarhus DK
  • 2020 “Aus sicht” - group exhibition at Unser Fritz Heimat Museum Herne 
  • 2019 Guerillia Exhibition in Arles, FR
  • 2018 "Hat Heimat einen Plural?" group exhibition at Rekorder II, Dortmund
  • 2016 ”Youth", lalahealty livin, Soloshow, Stuttgart, GER

 ©Simon Gerlinger 2024